Ņemot vērā nepārtrauktās pārmaiņas sabiedrībā, biznesā un izglītībā, arī mūsu skola mērķtiecīgi virzās uz savu mērķi kļūt par starptautisku vidusskolu, kas būtu iespēja mūsu skolēniem izvēlēties apgūt vidējo izglītību arī angļu valodā un noslēgumā saņemt starptautiski atzītu dokumentu. Pirmais solis…
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Today our schoolš teachers have spread our experience gained during Erasmus+ projects and strategic partnerships within a large community of teachers and other stakeholders from whole Latvia. About 500 people have heard our headmasters talk about the changes in education program…
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Continue reading the "Kārlis @ New learning environments – What kind of schools we should build in a future?" »
Līdz 19. maijam skolotājiem ir iespēja pieteikties uz kursiem “New learning environments – What kind of schools we should build in a future?”, kuri norisināsies no 20. jūnija līdz 24. jūnijam Joensū, Somijā. Apraksts par kursiem atrodams organizatoru mājaslapā. Nelielai iedvesmai noteikti noderēs informatīvā…
Continue reading the "Tiek izsludināta pieteikšanās uz kursiem “Get up with Natural Science ” Somijā" »
Roberts and Inese, two our school IT specialists spent one amazing week in Great Britain, Scarborough, learning english and enwidening their knowledge in new media tools. We had amazing chance to visit very historical, Victoria times, town situated by North…
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Today we had again visitors from the University of Liepaja from the study programme project management. They were willing to learn how the projects are managed, developed and implemented into the syllabus in our school. Our principal shared our experience in Erasmus+,…
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We received great and positive feedback visit from State Education Development Agency (VIAA) to successfully complete our project Cluster of Pedagogical Education. Thanks VIAA for your professional support and very productive and inspiring visit. You are always welcome in our…
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Getting new experienes and friends during Bios Interactive media for teaching an learning courses. Starting to learn filming and using camera!!!:) Sounds and looks challenging! Real hands-on practice with my collegues from Germany! Thanks Thomass for sharing experience! …
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Our teachers were conducting courses in various subjects, where 81 teachers from Riga neighborhood listened courses and learned about new methods in math (Zigeta Simanoviča), how to use iPad physics (Roberts Rožkalns), compleatly different approach teaching latvian (Sigita Stefana & Daiga…
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Līdz 19. februārim skolotājiem ir iespēja pieteikties uz kursiem “Interactive media for “interactive” teaching and learning”, kuri norisināsies no 20. marta līdz 26. martam Paphosā, Kiprā. Apraksts par kursiem atrodams organizatoru mājaslapā. Nelielai iedvesmai noteikti noderēs informatīvā brošūra par Kipru.
Continue reading the "Tiek izsludināta pieteikšanās uz kursiem “Interactive media for “interactive” teaching and learning”" »