Today our school organised a promotional webinar, where students from other schools joined to learn how to create an HTML5 animation. The aim was to develop a promotional video for the startup skills simulation game IDEAPITCH. Today the students learned about…
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Erasmus+ Media project was named as an example of good practice of Erasmus+ programme for strategic partnerships. The story of our project was published on the homepage of our National Agency. You can find the article here
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After returning from the learning activity in Italy, Erasmus+ students joined the social science lessons of Grade 7 and cooperated with 7-graders on a task to create an advert for Latvian product but keeping in mind the Italian culture and Italian…
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Here is a great video created by our Italian partners about Erasmus+ MEDIA teaching learning activity in Italy.
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Our teachers Zigeta Simanoviča and Daiga Straupeniece organized a workshop where they shared their experience and knowledge gained during Erasmus+ K1 courses in France.
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Today was the official tryout of the DEMO version of the Erasmus+ MEDIA platform: an interactive HTML5 game IDEAPITCH that gives its users the opportunity to discover their startup skills by playing a game. We invited speakers who talked about their real-life experience…
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We launched the DEMO version of our Intellectual Output HTML5 game about startup culture
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Our project received eTwinning quality label etw_certificate_113998_bg
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Teachers Roberts Rožkalns and Laura Katkeviča were invited to Istituto Tecnico Geometri ITG “C.Morigia” in Ravenna, Italy to give courses for both teachers and students in using new media tools in teaching and learning.
Continue reading the "Cluster courses in Ravenna, Italy" »
Our schools Erasmus+ MEDIA project partners in Turkey at Matso Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi created a large photo story gallery about the experiences gained during the project.
Continue reading the "Erasmus Project Corner in Turkey" »