Mobility Diary: Subject Specific Language Courses in Budapest, Hungary

This diary series showcases the transformative educational experiences at Subject Specific Language Courses in Budapest, Hungary. It will capture the unique pedagogical approaches and methodologies acquired during the courses and the multiplication of the course results within our school.

The participant will document their insights into the skills acquired, the educational techniques observed, and the overall learning environment. Additionally, they will exchange ideas on how to integrate and share these methods within the educational context of our school.

Instructions for the participant:

Please submit entries that detail the skills and academic knowledge gained, as well as the cultural insights and personal experiences from your time at courses. Also, share your strategies for implementing and spreading these innovative educational practices in your school or community.


  1. Šajos kursos ieguvu pirmās zināšanas angļu valodā. Ļoti patika kursu vadītāja, kura bija atvērta, pacietīga. Viņa spēja noturēt interesi un ticību savām spējām, kad bija nedaudz grūtāk, jo tika izmantoti dažādi spēļu elementi.
    Iepazinu ungāru kultūru, kura bija daudzveidīga. Ļoti patika ekskursija gides pavadībā.
    Iegūtās zināšanas varu pielietot komunikācijā ar ārvalstu skolēniem savās mācību stundās (jau vienkāršā līmenī).

  2. Šie kursi bija lieliska iespēja papildināt savas jau esošās angļu valodas zināšanas, pārvarēt nedrošību komunicēt angļu valodā, iegūt jaunus kontaktus ar kolēģiem no Igaunijas, Ungārijas. Kursos piedāvātās valodas apguves metodes izmantoju arī praktiski darbojoties savās stundās . Kursu ietvaros sagatavotā ekskursija ļāva iepazīstot vairāk Ungārijas kultūru, turklāt gida to vadīja angļu valodā, kas ļāva pratiskā darbībā pilnveidot savas angļu val. zināšanas. Mācību procesā ar ārzemju skolēniem, kolēģiem varu izmantot diskusijas metodi angļu val., kuru kursos apguvu.

  3. During the course, I significantly improved my English language skills. With simple explanations and practical tasks, I learned to use English in history lessons through games. I had the opportunity to meet colleagues from Hungary and Estonia. colleagues talked about the education systems in their countries. During your free time, you had the opportunity to visit the most beautiful places in Budapest, enjoy the thermal pools and participate in the celebration of the Independence Day.

  4. These courses were a great opportunity to supplement my existing knowledge of the English language, overcome the insecurity of communicating in English, and make new contacts with colleagues from Estonia and Hungary. I also use the language learning methods offered in the courses when working practically in my classes. The excursion prepared as part of the course made it possible to get to know more Hungarian culture, and the guide conducted it in English, which allowed them to improve their English in practical activities. knowledge. In the learning process with foreign students and colleagues, I can use the discussion method in English, which I learned in the courses.

  5. During the course, there was an opportunity to improve your English language skills. The main emphasis of the classes was the practical work of students using various methods of games and presentation. For the participants of the courses, a tour of Budapest was organized accompanied by a fantastic guide.There was an opportunity to get to know different cultural and historical sites.
    I purposefully incorporate the knowledge gained during the courses and the improved English language into my daily work at school with foreign students, as well as in class hours (game method)

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