2019.gada rudenī tika uzsākts jauns Erasmus+ skolu stratēģisko partnerību projekts, kura saturs fokusēts uz STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) mācību priekšmetu efektīvu un saistošu mācību materiālu izstrādi un aprobēšanu, izmantojot spēļošanu mācību procesā.
Project Title: STEAMER Escape rooms adapted for school education on STEAM
Project No: 2019-1-BE01-KA201-050527
Īstenošanas termiņš: 01.11.2019.-31.10.2021.
Erasmus+ programmas finansējums 29 415.00 EUR,
Lead Partner: Logopsycom, (Belgium)
- 32 SU s izuchavane na chuzhdi ezici “Sv.Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
- Work in Progress di Valentina Gianfranceschi (Italy)
- Les Apprimeurs (France)
Mērķis: Projekta laikā izveidot metodoloģiju, rīkus un praktiskus piemērus Izlaušanās istabām, kuras tiek adaptētas skolām mācību procesam, lai ieinteresētu jauniešus apgūt STEM priekšmetus. Mācību metodes un rīki tiks veidoti, lai tos varētu adaptēt un izmantot jauniešiem ar mācību traucējumiem (disleksiju, disgrāfiju u.c.) Izveidotais materiāls būs atbalsts skolotājiem inovatīvas mācīšanās prakses ieviešanai.
The objective of this project is therefore to create a methodology, tools and practical examples of escape rooms adapted for school education on STEAM. The program and the tools will be directed at the teachers and educators of secondary education in order to give them access to a new range of possibilities to teach this specific topic and potentially others.
The methodology will integrate inclusive elements for disadvantaged learners, especially the ones with Specific Learning Disorders (for instance dyslexia or dyscalculia). The results of these learners tend to be lower than average in STEAM, not due to a lack of capacity but due to their difficulties with some aspects of the formal approach (especially in mathematics). It will also support teachers in developing innovative teaching methods to engage the students in the subjects of STEAM throught practical experience which would also engage learners with Special Learning Disorders (SLDs) more.
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STEAMER Escape rooms adapted for school education on STEAM
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