Science is intertwined with art. We see it everywhere: in our daily lives, in education, and business. The mobility activities at LICEO SCIENTIFICO STATALE “A.ORIANI” in Ravenna, Italy, incorporate themes from both science and theatre. These diary entries explore experiences…
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This diary series showcases the transformative educational experiences at LICEO SCIENTIFICO STATALE “A.ORIANI” in Ravenna, Italy. It will capture the unique pedagogical approaches and methodologies observed during job shadowing activities at the host school. The participant will document their insights…
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Erasmus+ akreditācijas ietvaros diviem 10.-12.klašu skolēniem ir iespēja apmeklēt Grācas Universitāti, Austrijā (Graz University of Technology). Tas ir unikāls piedzīvojums, kas ļaus tuvāk iepazīt universitātes akadēmisko un kultūras dzīvi! Lai veicinātu dabai draudzīgu ceļošanu, brauciens uz Austriju paredzēts ar automašīnu,…
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