STEAMER is back to work!
Lots of translation ahead. Anyone to help?
Lots of translation ahead. Anyone to help?
STEAMER is ready to reconnect:planning meeting in Italy. We are planning to go to Perudgia, where we will meet our partners to decide on various issues and recharge the project. We all looking forward to meeting each other again!
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26 various, different, unusual and captivating synopsis for Escape Rooms were created. It was challenging but VERY creative! Thanks, Victoria!
STEAMER team has carefully cgosen 9 different characters to be used as Escape Rooms owners, heroes, vilains…
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STEAMER Citadaskola 3d Escape Room smells of Irises. STEAMER team is just lost in curved lines. Lots of work, indeed. We all want vacation.
STEAMER needs help. We need a nice story about a Latvian hero or a Latvian historical event. Any ideas? Reward-free Escape Room game!
STEAMER LĪGO! Icarus was real! Is almost done! STEAMER team deserved a nice picknick!
TEMPLATE 1 SteamER- IO4- ID sheet Icarus was real! It is STEAMER new escape room title! Let’s fly!
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STEAMER moves to Priekule. Why? Icarus, the escape room hero belongs there. Was Icarus real? Icarus was real! Is STEAMER new escape room title! Let’s fly!
Although most people voted for MATHS, the room is going to be built on PHYSICS lessons. But Physics can’t exist without Maths, so you no one lost!